"People rise above every disadvantage; people squander every advantage. They do so largely by a binary choice: lion or lamb. Lambs are very accepting, easily lead, timid and docile. The lion is quite the opposite. Lions are leaders, fighters, warriors. It's not impossible to domesticate them, but it usually requires iron cages, chains and tranquilizers. Lions are defiant. I have come to conclude – and I have twice started an entire book about it – that defiance is the succinct summation of how some people, including those burdened with every imaginable disadvantage or handicap, raise themselves to a success they choose; they defy everything in anything in their way – including race, birthplace, physical size, negative childhood, gender bias, age or circumstances. Defiance is the golden thread running through every success story." - Dan Kennedy
Be the Lion. Especially today, in a new American culture hell-bent on breeding Lambs...